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This beautiful workbook is designed to help you overcome emotional eating patterns. By using it for 30 days you will discover which emotions cause you to eat when you are not physically hungry.


This workbook is designed to help you:


  • Establish a healthy and relaxed relationship with food.
  • Stop unconscious, mindless eating and bring awareness to the eating process.
  • Not use food as a mood regulator.
  • Establish healthy self-soothing, nurturing ritualsto replace the ‘overeating & mindless eating’ ritual.
  • Learn to be present and fully enjoy each meal.
  • Be at peace yourself and your body.


You will also enjoy the daily section: "What am I grateful for and what am I proud of?" It is illustrated with my own photography. I hope it will provide you with good insight.


With kindness,

~ Petra

Mindful Eating & Self-Care Journal

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