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On a Weight Loss Journey? What's In Your Fridge?

I typically blog about the emotional eating aspect of weight regulation. Today I'd like to offer some practical tips that have helped others on their mindful weight management journey.

I noticed a feeling of happiness when I opened my fridge the other day. I had an abundance of fresh greens, beautiful fruits and delicious Greek yogurt to choose from. When this is not the case, I feel a bit disappointed, even deprived and keep looking for something else to fulfill that need. So, today’s blog post is about the importance of having plenty of wonderful choices at home so we can delight in the simple pleasure of nature’s gifts. When I taught weight loss classes at a local clinic, we called this environmental control. When we have healthy and delicious foods to choose from it is so much easier to nourish ourselves well.

Here are some practical suggestions and tips:

Tip #1 - Start by making a mindful shopping list.

Tip #2 - Have a weekly ritual of going to farmer’s market or your favorite store for purchasing fruits and veggies.

"And there are just a few ingredients needed to make a healthy human—real, whole, fresh food, nutrients (vitamins and minerals), light, water, air, sleep, movement, rhythm, love, connection, meaning, and purpose.” – Mark Hyman, M.D.

Tip #3 - Arrange the goodies in a beautiful bowl so you feel enticed to reach for that apple, pear or banana.

Tip #4 - Set your lunch/dinner table in a manner that seems special: Use nice placemats, napkins and make your meal appealing to the eye.

Tip #5 - Slow down your eating process, be mindful of savoring each bite. This takes practice so be patient with yourself.

With so many uncertainties and uncontrollable factors in our lives, we can still make sure that we nourish and nurture ourselves well. Along with that goes the emotional and mental component. Are you ingesting too much negativity from watching the news? Are you mindful of what feeds you emotionally and spiritually so you can stay balanced and grounded?

Give yourself permission to practice excellent self-care for body, mind and soul. I am here for you! Please let me know how I can assist you and take a look at my programs. Wishing you good health and inner peace.

With compassion,





Promoting mindful self-compassion rather than restrictive dieting.


Santa Barbara, CA, USA

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