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Say Yes to Emotional Self-Care and No to Dieting.

How to start the new year right - without the painful and short-lived promise: "My diet starts on Monday!" Below I am listing a few mindful tips for creating a self-care plan, which can be easily implemented into your daily routine. Cheers to a great 2023!

Every year millions of people make new year's resolutions. Most everyone I know wants to lose a little (or a lot of weight), drink less alcohol, eat more greens, move more and stress less. So, how can we honor our desire to be healthier, more relaxed and take good care of our bodies and our minds?

Tip #1 - Start your day by setting an intention.

Instead of checking your phone for emails or texts, give yourself 10-15 minutes to ease into the new day. While sipping your coffee or morning tea, grab a pen and jot down your intentions and goals for the day. Extra points for adding a 7-minute mindful meditation. You'll see: It will make a huge difference in how your day goes.

Tip #2 - Make self-care a priority.

Kindness and compassion start with us. Give yourself permission to tend to your needs so you can prevent burning out or becoming resentful. Self-care isn't selfish - It is a necessity, not a luxury. Give yourself the oxygen first. Remember: You can't give from an empty cup.

“Loving yourself… does not mean being self-absorbed or narcissistic, or disregarding others. Rather it means welcoming yourself as the most honored guest in your own heart, a guest worthy of respect, a lovable companion.” - Steve Hickman

Tip #3 - Practice mindful eating.

Mindful eating is not a diet. It is a wonderful self-care ritual, which promotes awareness around what you eat. It is best practiced when you are not plugged into electronics. Give yourself the gift of pausing and taking time to nourish yourself well. Ideally, feeding ourselves is not an afterthought but a celebration of life. Our bodies are precious and deserve our loving attention. Start small by having a "mindful meal" once or twice this coming week. Make it special, slow down and try to savor and taste each bite. You are worth it.

Tip #4 - Be mindful of what you feed your mind.

Become aware of your self-talk. Practice cognitive restructuring: Notice when a negative thought enters your mind, then cancel it out and replace it with a beneficial thought. This takes some practice. Coach yourself the same way you would support and encourage a small child. I also highly recommend not watching the news or violent movies before going to bed. Try reading inspirational literature or listening to relaxing music as part of your nighttime ritual.

Tip #5 - We don't need more discipline - we need more nurturing.

I have found in my work as weight management and emotional self-care counselor that clients who are on a weight loss journey don't need another diet. Instead, they need more reassurance and loving support. If a person eats for emotional comfort or out of boredom, or because they are stressed - how would a restrictive diet help them relax and find relief?

You can find freedom from emotional eating and have a relaxed relationship with food ~ for the rest of your life.

I offer an initial complimentary consultation to make sure we are a "good match" for my program. Book a call with me. I look forward to supporting you on your weight management and emotional self-care journey.

With compassion,





Promoting mindful self-compassion rather than restrictive dieting.


Santa Barbara, CA, USA

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