How to Find Food Freedom and End the Dieting Struggle.

Yes, it is possible to have a peaceful and relaxed relationship with food - even after many years or decades of dieting and weight cycling! You can end the war on food and learn to love and embrace your body.
Below I will list a few strategies that may kick start your healing journey towards a lighter existence, both physically and emotionally.
Tip #1 - Sign a peace treaty with your body.
Thank your body for what is does for you every day. Acknowledge that you have done the best you could given the circumstances. Ask for forgiveness for not always treating it with loving-kindness or even "abusing" it. Set an intention to turn things around and vow to listen to its needs and messages from now on. Know that this is a gentle process by changing your relationship with your body over time. Healing is never linear... what's important is to take baby steps and start by implementing small changes.
Tip #2 - Emotional eating helped you cope.
Have compassion for yourself. Eating for comfort and relief has gotten you through tough times. There is no shame in that. You may have reached for food when you didn't have other self-soothing strategies available. The good news is that you can learn to self-regulate and ride the emotional rollercoaster without using food as a mood regulator. This is a longer therapeutic process and a wonderful healing journey.
"Always, we begin again." – St. Benedict
Tip #3 - Nobody is perfect. Self-empathy is key.
I am not above any of this. I understand emotional stress eating. I have learned over the years to practice a mindful pause before reaching for food and I am not physically hungry. I ask myself what I am really in need of and what "lives" underneath the craving. Is it the need to cope with an unsettling or anxious thought, or a way of dealing with (or avoiding) conflict? It takes some practice to wait it out and allow space for a deeper exploration. When we have the courage and patience to be with what is and explore what got "scratched" we can cater to the true need, which often shows up as the need for comfort, relief and reassurance.
Tip #4 - Make mindful self-compassion your companion.
Self-compassion is what I call "urgent care for the heart." Talking to yourself the same way you would talk to a friend in need is so important when it comes to changing your relationship with food. Sometimes we simply need "time out" to give ourselves the oxygen first and recharge our batteries. Self-care and kindness start with us. When we don't pay attention to our needs and don't honor our deepest callings we may end up feeling resentful and eat because of it. Living an authentic life and speaking your truth - and daring to be you, unapologetically, may lead to food freedom over time.
Tip #5 - Set yourself free. Turn up the volume on self-love.
It's not just about losing weight ~ It's about creating a lighter existence. How could you love yourself more? Which negative and limiting beliefs could you let go of? Journal about what would set you free and give yourself the gift of unconditional self-love and self-acceptance.
Let me support you on your healing journey!
If you are ready to change your relationship with food and let go of the yo-yo dieting cycle for the rest of your life, reach out to me. Schedule your initial complimentary consultation with me. Remember: Healing is not linear.

Life's a journey and an adventure. I look forward to hearing from you.
With compassion,